Joint team from SLAC Accelerator Lab, University of Nebraska and Universität Potsdam takes the ‘Molecular Movies of Vibrating Molecules by Ultrafast Electron Diffraction’
See Press release published on SLAC website
Publication accepted in PRL.
ArXiv paper:
Diffractive Imaging of Coherent Nuclear Motion in Isolated Molecules
J. Yang, M. Guehr, X. Shen, R. Li, T. Vecchione, R. Coffee, J. Corbett, A. Fry, N. Hartmann, C. Hast, K. Hegazy, K. Jobe, I. Makasyuk, J. Robinson, M. S. Robinson, S. Vetter, S. Weathersby, C. Yoneda, X. Wang, M. Centurion
Phys. Rev. Lett. accepted (2016)